Introduction to Microsoft Power BI: Working with Reports and Visualizations
$99.00In this course you will learn how to manage report pages, change report view options, work with visualizations and their data, and add static objects to a report. -
Creating a Workplace Wellness Program
$50.00To begin this course, you will consider the benefits of workplace wellness programs. Then, you will learn how to create a wellness committee, outline a wellness program, gather support for it, perform appropriate research (including a needs analysis), design an appropriate package, and get buy-in for it. You will also learn how to implement the wellness program, evaluate how it is doing, and present the results in a tangible manner. -
Purchasing and Procurement Basics
$99.00In this course, you will learn the basics of purchasing and procurement. Youll receive an introduction to the supply chain, the purchasing cycle, and basic purchasing tools. Youll also learn about the competitive bidding process, how to manage supplier performance, risk management techniques, and ways to build relationships. -
Developing a High Reliability Organization
$99.00You will learn what constitutes a High Reliability Organization (HRO), the principles behind high reliability and take a look at a real life disaster that could have benefitted from those principles. -
Business Ethics for the Office
$50.00In this course, you will learn what the terms ethics, morals, and values mean. Then, you will learn about several different ethical frameworks, including Kohlbergs six stages, philosophical approaches, personal values, and codes of ethics. You will also learn how to avoid ethical dilemmas, make ethical decisions, handle common ethical dilemmas, and recover from mistakes. -
Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer
$99.00To begin, you will explore the trainers role and what skills and competencies trainers should have. Then you will learn about the learning process and different learning styles, and apply that knowledge to designing programs and motivating learners. You will also learn ways to manage the stress of training, plan a workshop, and lead a training session. Then, you will learn techniques for dealing with difficult participants, evaluating learning, and conducting on-the-job follow-up. Alternative training methods, such as eLearning, co-facilitation, and team teaching will also be covered. -
Inventory Management: The Nuts and Bolts
$75.00In this course, you will learn about all aspects of inventory management, including common terms, the inventory cycle, how to maintain inventory accuracy, and what some of the latest trends are. -
Influence and Persuasion
$50.00In this course, you will learn how to speak persuasively, communicate with confidence, build rapport, develop a strong presentation, and leverage storytelling. Youll also receive an introduction to basic neuro linguistic programming techniques. -
Webinars Planning 101
$25.00This course is going to teach you to understand what webinars are and why they are important. You will also learn best practices for implementation and development of webinars. You are going to learn the appropriate structure and platform for your webinar and also how to outline a webinar. -
Microsoft Teams: Getting Started
$99.00In this course you will learn how to, describe what Microsoft Teams is all about, use channels and post messages, and get help in Teams. -
GDPR Readiness: Getting the Message Out
$85.00In this one-day course, you will learn: about internal communication methods, about privacy training, and promoting a good privacy culture,about the elements of a good customer privacy policy, how to write and design a cookie banner disclaimer for your website, and how to design a privacy-compliant web form. -
Becoming a Progressive Employer: Setting Trends Instead of Following Them
$75.00In this course, you will gain an understanding of what being progressive means, and then take time to truly examine this concept through activities and discussion. You will look at the process involved in going from the status quo to being progressive, along with how to develop or enhance a progressive mindset and innovative ideas. The last part of the course involves understanding the importance of a succession plan to a progressive organization.