Communication Strategies
$99.00This course will teach you all about the various aspects of communication. You will learn about asking questions, probing for information, active listening, and body language. Supporting skills are also covered, such as self-esteem, building relationships with others, and assertiveness. -
Microsoft 365 Excel: Part 2: Analyzing Data with PivotTables, Slicers, and PivotCharts
$99.00Create a PivotTable Filter data using slicers Analyze data using PivotCharts -
Conversational Leadership
$75.00In this course, you will learn about the fundamental elements of meaningful conversations, the four-I model of organizational conversation, the conversational leadership framework, and the World Caf model. All of these tools will help you become a conversational leader and build stronger teams in your workplace. -
Digital Transformation
$60.00This course aims to define digital transformation, and provide an understanding of why it matters, as well as take a look at businesses that are successfully undertaking this change. It will also help you begin developing a digital strategy for your own company. -
Introduction to HTML and CSS Coding: Doing More with HTML
$99.00In this course you will learn how to add images in HTML, add links in HTML, and add tables in HTML. -
Introduction to HTML and CSS Coding Part 2: Writing Your Best Code
$99.00In this course, you will learn about, standards-compliant markup, semantic elements, proper document structure, syntax organization, organizing code with comments, writing CSS with multiple lines and spaces, using proper class names, and using shorthand properties and values. -
Successfully Managing Change
$99.00This course covers how to manage and cope with change and how to help those around you, too. Topics explored include understanding, accepting and reacting to change; and strategies for assisting with change to be accepted and implemented in the workplace. -
Story Marketing for Small Businesses
$55.00This course covers the essential elements of a story marketing campaign, from a review of company message and brand, to the elements of good storytelling. The course leads participants through the steps of creating a marketing story knowing your company, knowing and connecting with customers, and the story writing and editing process. This creates a clear and engaging path that will lead customers to your products and services and encourage them to respond to your call to action. -
Creative Thinking and Innovation
$99.00In this course, you will identify ways to develop your creative side and build a creative environment. Youll also learn a basic problem-solving process, individual creative thinking tools (such as the RAP model, shoe swap technique, mind mapping, metaphors, and toys), and team-based creative thinking tools (such as brainstorming, brainwriting, rolestorming, the stepladder technique, and slip writing). -
Measuring Training Results
$99.00In this course, you will learn how to measure training results using Donald Kirkpatricks four-level evaluation model. You will also learn about essential tools and techniques, including cost-benefit analysis and return on investment.