Creative Thinking and Innovation
$99.00In this course, you will identify ways to develop your creative side and build a creative environment. Youll also learn a basic problem-solving process, individual creative thinking tools (such as the RAP model, shoe swap technique, mind mapping, metaphors, and toys), and team-based creative thinking tools (such as brainstorming, brainwriting, rolestorming, the stepladder technique, and slip writing). -
Introduction to E-Mail Marketing
$50.00In this course, you will receive an in-depth introduction to e-mail marketing. Once you have completed this course, you will be ready to plan, create, and deliver e-mail marketing campaigns that build relationships with customers and get results. -
Introduction to Microsoft Power BI: Working with Data
$99.00In this course you will learn how to transform and sanitize data, use the Query Editor, model data, and manage relationships. -
Managing Pressure and Maintaining Balance
$65.00This course will teach you about the causes and costs of workplace pressure, the benefits of creating balance, and how to identify pressure points. You will also learn how to apply emotional intelligence, increase optimism and resilience, and develop strategies for getting ahead. -
Developing a High Reliability Organization
$99.00You will learn what constitutes a High Reliability Organization (HRO), the principles behind high reliability and take a look at a real life disaster that could have benefitted from those principles. -
Microsoft Teams: Using Other Communication Tools
$99.00In this course you will learn how to use chat, and manage meetings and files. -
Delegation: The Art Of Delegating Effectively
$75.00This course will teach you how delegation can make you more successful, ways that you can delegate, techniques for giving instructions, how to monitor delegation results, and how to give good feedback. You will also learn an eight-step delegation process that you can customize for any situation. -
Microsoft 365 Outlook Part 1: Reading and Responding to Messages
$99.00Customize reading options, work with attachments, and manage your message responses