Introduction to HTML and CSS Coding Part 2: Performance and Organization
$99.00In this course you will learn about strategy and structure, object-oriented CSS, scalable and modular architecture for CSS, and reusable code. -
Crowdfunding Your Business
$60.00This course will show you how to leverage all types of crowdsourcing (including microwork, macrowork, crowdvoting, crowdcontests, crowdwisdom, and crowdfunding) to kickstart your business growth. -
Introduction to HTML and CSS Coding: Getting Started with CSS
$99.00In this course you will learn how to add the "style" tag to the HTML code, add colors to elements with CSS, and use identifiers to select elements to style. -
Employee Accountability
$70.00You will begin this course by exploring what accountability is all about and some recent events that have caused people to look at accountability more closely. Then, youll learn ways to build accountability and ownership in your organization and make yourself more accountable. Supporting skills, like goal setting, feedback, and delegation, are also covered. -
Critical Thinking
$65.00In this course, youll learn what critical thinking is all about, what characteristics a critical thinker has, and what skills you may want to work on. Then, youll work your way through a seven-step critical thinking model. Supporting skills, such as asking good questions, applying common sense, and thinking creatively, are also covered. -
Managing the Virtual Workplace
$65.00This course will teach managers and supervisors how to prepare employees for the virtual workplace, create telework programs, build virtual teams, leverage technology, and overcome cultural barriers. -
Windows 10: May 2019 Update: Troubleshooting, Updates, and Security
$99.00In this course you will learn how to use automatic troubleshooting, use the Windows Update tool, and use updated Windows Security features. -
Developing a Lunch and Learn Program
$99.00This course will give you the skills to develop a successful workplace Lunch and Learn Program. You begin by looking at exactly what a Lunch and Learn truly is and why to have one. Next the course guides you through the underpinnings of a Lunch and Learn and then into how to administer the program. You will get the chance to develop your own short program and wrap up the course by evaluating it.